by Galaxy | Sep 12, 2021 | Letters, Letters to my twin flame, Twin Flames
Hey there, Spoose. I do not think that there could possibly be anyone on this planet who could have been more perfectly picked for me than you. I am growing to be less astonished with how much I still love you, how deep the roots of love and affection can grow, how... 
by Galaxy | Aug 28, 2021 | Cool lists, Parenting
“Boredom is a choice.” We are working in our household to decrease the number of hours spent checking-out in front of screens. As single parents (and before that, honestly) it was difficult to get much done without the aide of the kiddos’ tablets, but now that... 
by Galaxy | Aug 23, 2021 | Parenting, Single Parenting
I recently came across a post by a single parent who was about to have a sudden chunk of free time one afternoon while another person took her son off of her hands for a few hours. She was asking what sorts of things she should do with her free time, and I made a list... 
by Galaxy | Aug 20, 2021 | Parenting, Spirituality, Twin Flames
My spouse and I disagree a lot. A lot. Loudly. With gusto. With storming off down the road for a walk on occasion. We both have extensive backgrounds of childhood violence, domestic violence, sexual trauma, cheating, etc. We both attend weekly individual therapy and... 
by Galaxy | Aug 13, 2021 | Angst, Letter to Source, Spirituality
June 2, 2021 To Whom It May Concern,I have so much to say to you, and I don’t even know where to start. I mean, I do, but it feels unwelcoming to begin a published piece of literature with “Fuck you,” so, I suppose I’ll dive deeper. When I wrote “who, what, when,...