by Geneva Hill | Jul 9, 2022 | Healing, Hope, Mercy, Shadow Work, Simulation Theory
A new leaf unfolded on my awakening journey this week.For years, I have been comforting myself with the placations offered by simulation theory, the experience machine, brain-in-a-vat theory, and other philosophical thought experiments designed to test the boundaries... 
by Geneva Hill | Jul 5, 2022 | Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, Fifth dimension, Healing, Twin Flames, Union
There were times in my Twin Flame journey when I never thought I’d be making a post like this. Periods in my relationship where I was certain that it was destined for failure, yet also determined to fight to my last breath. Moments where I slammed the door so... 
by Geneva Hill | Jun 6, 2022 | Hope, Patience, Red Road, Shadow Work, Thoughts
Have you ever tried really hard to do something that SHOULD be working, and yet it seems like you do nothing but face obstacle after obstacle in actually accomplishing it?This has been the last three months for me. I’ve been working at building this coaching... 
by Geneva Hill | Feb 3, 2022 | Hope, Manifestation, Spiritual Healer, Thoughts
Things have been hitting so hard recently. On the turn of the new year, we made so many promises. Commitments to ourselves, to each other, to our family, to our business. We decided to nurture We Are The Galaxy and watch it grow instead of sitting passively at the... 
by Geneva Hill | Jan 22, 2022 | Angel Radio, Divine Consciousness, Majick, Spirituality
I’m learning more about connecting with my angel and spirit guides right now and reading a book called Angels: Companions in Magick. The book has just now recommended an “angelic brainstorming session.” The book recommends putting a floppy drive in... 
by Geneva Hill | Jan 21, 2022 | Divine Consciousness, Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, Letter to Source, Poetry, Spirituality, Thoughts
The things we sayTo part the wayThe way we begWe screamWe swayThe way the thoughtsLike fragments deepCannot hold my soulOr drag me into sleepFor now I lay me down againA runner choosing not to sin Instead I riseI celebrateI live this lifeI turn from hateFor if the... 
by Geneva Hill | Jan 20, 2022 | Divine Consciousness, Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, Future, Hope, Manifestation, Shadow Work, Spirituality, Thoughts
How many times has the word existential been followed by the word “crisis” across your lifetime? Or perhaps the word “dread”? How about “hope”? Can you picture it? I find this type of indescribable qualitative feel toward the... 
by Geneva Hill | Jan 13, 2022 | Angst, Divine Consciousness, Letter to Source, Poetry, Throwback
Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God. 
by Galaxy | Sep 12, 2021 | Letters, Letters to my twin flame, Twin Flames
Hey there, Spoose. I do not think that there could possibly be anyone on this planet who could have been more perfectly picked for me than you. I am growing to be less astonished with how much I still love you, how deep the roots of love and affection can grow, how... 
by Galaxy | Aug 28, 2021 | Cool lists, Parenting
“Boredom is a choice.” We are working in our household to decrease the number of hours spent checking-out in front of screens. As single parents (and before that, honestly) it was difficult to get much done without the aide of the kiddos’ tablets, but now that...