by Geneva Hill | Jul 5, 2022 | Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, Fifth dimension, Healing, Twin Flames, Union
There were times in my Twin Flame journey when I never thought I’d be making a post like this. Periods in my relationship where I was certain that it was destined for failure, yet also determined to fight to my last breath. Moments where I slammed the door so... 
by Galaxy | Sep 12, 2021 | Letters, Letters to my twin flame, Twin Flames
Hey there, Spoose. I do not think that there could possibly be anyone on this planet who could have been more perfectly picked for me than you. I am growing to be less astonished with how much I still love you, how deep the roots of love and affection can grow, how... 
by Galaxy | Aug 20, 2021 | Parenting, Spirituality, Twin Flames
My spouse and I disagree a lot. A lot. Loudly. With gusto. With storming off down the road for a walk on occasion. We both have extensive backgrounds of childhood violence, domestic violence, sexual trauma, cheating, etc. We both attend weekly individual therapy and...