How many times has the word existential been followed by the word “crisis” across your lifetime? Or perhaps the word “dread”? How about “hope”? Can you picture it? I find this type of indescribable qualitative feel toward the combination… “Existential hope.” It’s just beautiful.

Something really significant shifted in our lives as we hit 2022.

Everything that Justin and I see now, we are really seeing as an opportunity or blessing, whereas in 2021 and prior, all we were seeing was a small amount of success and then a small amount of failure, with the cycle on a non-stop repeat.

There are several factors that have helped us with this shift, from re-taking Kathrin Zenkina’s “Rich Babe Academy” which we started during the last weeks of December, to taking our 2022 goal-setting extremely seriously with the help of Saging Mentality, to the leap of abject faith in The Universe providing as we spent our bank account down to less than $110 in the last hour of 2021…

We KNEW that something would be different.

I didn’t imagine that I would be working hard enough for things to change this dramatically, but I feel as though I have well and truly unlocked something very special inside of Divinity and consciousness. 

With every blow (hi there Omicron, thanks for the infection this week), I feel more… powerful? I feel like every time we get hit, I get back up not only stronger, but smarter. And if there’s one thing I learned last year, it’s that your smarts can either get you really hurt or really ahead–and the choice is within you.

Astrologically, we are being hit with some incredible energies right now. Just past the Cancer full “wolf moon”, several planets in retrograde including mercury, and to top it all off, sitting in the energy of the 1/11 portal right now until 2/22/22 and things are just INTENSE.

Ask anybody connected with the psychic network and they’ll give you the same answer: something big is coming.

The level of fear and panic amongst the Divine Masculine folks that I’m in contact with is just absolutely amazing. WHAT IS COMING seems to be the overwhelming topic of conversation.

Conversely, amongst the Divine Feminine I’m seeing much more of a fixation on riding this energy UP toward WHAT WILL BE in the “new paradigm” that we’re all guessing and grasping at hoping to glimpse.

My family, though, we’re split down the middle in a pretty profound way. A few people worried about the future, a few people living in the past, and then there’s me: riding these ascension vibes, maintaining that positive attitude and fighting against my ego for the rights of my Higher Self, giving in to bouts of anger and vengeance only to quickly find self-awareness, move into apology and then living in the higher vibration of forgiveness and fun that we all wish we could exist in at all times.

I am an imperfect person, but I’m putting in all of the effort. I’m giving 100% of myself this year, to my journey, to helping others on their journeys, to my marriage, to my children, to myself.

Notice that nice round number: 100%.

In years past, I’ve given 110% at all times, and then I would oscillate wildly between amazingly good and amazingly burnt out.

This year, it’s different.

No more burning the candle at both ends, just a beautiful candle that burns exactly as it is supposed to.

I’m no longer available to work as hard as possible through illness, fever, and trauma. I’m no longer signing up to be perfect Mom in public as my children take the hit behind the scenes. I’m no longer trying to be the best wife on the planet, just to turn around and clam up into silence because my own shadow work gets intense.

This year, I’m just going to be me.

And I’ll be as loved as I deserve.

I hope that the new year has been amazingly transformational for you as well, Reader. This is Our Year, according to God himself, so if you have any inquiries about the reality of divinity, about the transition from newtonian to quantum physics, or about how to get in touch with your inner healing powers and activate the perfect life you’ve always dreamed of… hit me up. I’ve learned a thing or two over the years, and I’m looking forward to fully breaking into the spiritualist industry. Besides, how many other people do you know who have had experience with demons and knows how to banish them with only the materials on hand? Granted, I tend to always have sage and tarot cards on hand, so maybe I’m a little more fringe than the average bear.

You can always reach me on my contact page or by email at geneva@www.wearethegalaxy.com.

Sending you love, light, and clarity. May all of our candles burn brightly and properly. Just remember: it gets better from here.


P.S. Did you like seeing Krishna, Ganesh, and Kali on this post’s graphic? I’ve recently been introduced to these deities in my own practice through meditation, and the transformation has already been beautifully intense. I look forward to sharing more about my journey into Hinduism on another post!